Our Mission
Africa Teach empowers the children of Africa through unconditional love, support, education, and inspiration to break the cycle of poverty that shackles them to a life with limited opportunities. We base this on the view that a child is a being of body, mind, and spirit. We work to educate the whole child so that he or she grows up with vitality and initiative for the future. We help children transform their dreams into reality, by being the bridge to their right to education, opportunity, and a healthy life with dignity and hope. "When you break the cycle of poverty, you spark a cycle of prosperity. You raise nations." |
The Vision Africa Teach envisions a world where children, the earth's most precious natural resource, are loved, supported, educated, and inspired to be the very best they can be and to take their rightful place in the new global community.
Our Slogan Students for Africa's Future through Education (SAFE)
Who We Serve We serve the children, parents, and communities of Africa, working directly and specifically in Ghana, Senegal, Gambia, Togo, and Kenya. Our first target population will be Osiem, Ghana, and our second target population will be Dakar, Senegal.
Unifying Principle An effort to create in Africa – through education based, self-sustainable, profitable, and environmentally progressive schools – a worldwide presence in the global community.